Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pacquiao’s Sparring Partner Says He’s Ready For Bradley

Manny Pacquiao’s sparring partner Kevin Hoskins spoke with ESNEWS and all signs are pointing towards Manny being at the top of his game. With only a day left before the Pacquiao vs Bradley fight, training is all but done, and the fighters must be ready to step in the ring and battle. Manny has received a lot of criticism for having lost a step in his last fight, but if he performs the way Hoskins says he does in triaining, it could be lights out for Desert Storm.
Pacquiao has chosen some new sparring partners for this fights, fighters that can mimick the style of Bradley as well as possible. Manny’s old sparring partners were becoming his friends so he was forced to change them, and Hoskins seems to have fit the bill. Manny was surely working on his speed for this fight because that is his advantage, along with his punches from awkward angles. The closer we get to this fight, the more I think that the old Manny might be back. I guess we will have to wait and see tommorow night.

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